Groupe Écologique Québec
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What is spray foam insulation?

You can save a lot of money each year on your electricity bill by replacing your doors and windows or by installing a high-performance energy-efficient heating system. However, if your home isn’t properly insulated, your efforts will be in vain. Spray foam insulation is the most effective solution against heat loss in your residence. Whether you need to insulate your basement, your ground floor or your whole home, Groupe Chauffez Vert is here to help you. We take our clients’ wants and needs into account and offer courteous, personalized service to exceed their expectations.

Groupe Écologique Québec

The advantages of urethane spray foam insulation

Urethane spray foam insulation is the best product of its kind on the market. Not only does it offer very high thermal resistance, but it also prevents drafts by creating an effective air barrier. What’s more, urethane spray foam conserves its insulating properties, unlike blown cellulose or wool, which tend to falter over time.

Groupe Écologique Québec

The cost of spray foam insulation

Spray foam insulation is more expensive than blown-in insulation. But it should be seen as a long-term investment, rather than a short-term expense. You’ll have no insulation worries for many long years to come. However, it’s important to have the work done by professionals. That’s where the expertise and dedication of Groupe Chauffez Vert comes into play.

Enjoy the benefits of spray foam insulation.

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Do you need financing for your spray foam insulation project?

Application for financing

We understand that spray foam insulation represents a major investment for our clients. That’s why we want to make your life easier by offering you the possibility of financing your project so you can start enjoying the comfort you deserve.